Cassandra Night
author : Cassandra NightCassandra Night is a new author of unusual heart-breaking, soul healing stories full of hope and love.\n\nShe lives in England with her two sons and very patient husband, enjoying coffee mornings and books like chocolate desserts. \n\nCassandra Night is an obsessive reader of romance, and since she found a new passion in writing, now she loves to submerge herself in her own stories too.\n\nShe writes real, flawed characters that you can peel layer by layer until their souls are wide open, and hearts bleeding at your feet. Cassandra’s stories are realistic and gritty, also involve characters dealing with mental issues and their emotional growth, overcoming their struggles. \n\nIf you are a lover of deeply emotional, flawed and realistic stories with a lot of anguish, her books are for you! View more >>Cassandra Night Book Series